What is the WHIS®stone?
The WHIS®stone applies the principle of diffraction in an innovative concrete element placed next to the road at ground level. The recommended drainage system also functions as the foundation, making installation quick and easy. In addition to that, the WHISstone remains fully effective throughout its entire life span (at least 50 years). This places the WHISstone’s life cycle cost 70 percent below that of silent asphalt.
The element is safe to drive across and simultaneously hardens the roadside, helping to prevent unilateral traffic accidents. The WHIS®stone only takes up 1 meter, and a system installed underneath the WHIS®stone provides proper drainage.
The WHIS®stone reduces traffic noise by 2.2 dB, or even 2.4 dB when using a double row. If you combine the WHIS®stone with existing measures like silent asphalt, you can add up the reductions, making a far greater noise reduction easy to achieve.
- Cost-effective noise reduction
- Quick and easy to install
- Durable noise reduction
The WHIS®stone’s advantages

The WHIS®stone’s life cycle cost is around 70 percent lower than that of silent asphalt.

Lasting effect
Silent asphalt becomes less effective by 0.5 dB every year, whereas the WHIS®stone maintains the same level of noise reduction, year after year after year.

Easy to install
Applying the WHIS®stone barely affects the building process. 500 meters per day is easily achievable.

Barely any maintenance
The WHIS®stone requires almost no maintenance. Once every two years will suffice.
Installing and maintaining the WHIS®stone
- Cutouts have been applied laterally in the element, so you can mount it with a special clamp.
- Block requires foundation.
- Production of up to 500 meters per day.
- Foundation also functions as water storage.
Where can you apply the WHIS®stone?
The WHIS®stone is suitable for various kinds of roads, like


Provincial roads

Distributor roads

Distributor roads