• Cost-effective noise reduction
  • Quick and easy to install
  • Durable noise reduction

Low and proven solutions for noise reduction

The noise reducing solutions 4Silence has developed are different from all current reducing measures. The WHIS® products can make the area around a (rail)road much quieter, while barely affecting the view. We achieve this by deflecting sound, directing troublesome sound waves upwards. How does that work? Find out in this video:

  • Reduces noise while maintaining view
  • Enables higher noise reduction
  • Cheaper
  • More durable

Three solutions for reducing noise


A concrete diffractor, placed directly next to the road at ground level, realizing a 2.5 dB noise reduction, equal to silent asphalt.


a combination of a low noise barrier and a weathering steel diffractor. That amounts to 1 meter in height, all in all. It achieves a 7 to 9 dB noise reduction, equal to a 3 meter regular noise barrier.


A lightweight aluminum diffractor, that can be mounted on most existing noise barriers. At only 0.2 meters in height, it’s good for a 4 to 5 dB reduction, equal to what you’d achieve by raising the barrier 2 meters.

WHIS® stone

  • Behoud van uitzicht
  • Reductie gelijk aan stil asfalt (2,5 dB)
  • Blijvende reductie voor ten minste 30 jaar
  • Met dubbele rij hogere reducties mogelijk

WHIS® wall

  • Behoud van uitzicht
  • Reductie gelijk aan 3 meter hoog geluidsscherm (7-9 dB)
    Geen overlast tijdens bouw

WHIS® top

  • Hoge geluidsreductie, zonder extra ophoging van bestaande schermen
  • Ideaal voor extra geluidsreductie (4-5 dB) icm met (bestaand) geluidsscherm
  • Eenvoudig te installeren
  • Geen dure maatregelen nodig aan bestaande schermen